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Davy Tyburski
America’s Chief Profit Officer®
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What Other Successful Business Owners, Entrepreneurs
and Organizations (Just Like You) are Saying About Davy

"Davy’s very dynamic!"
- Warner Bros.

"I like to learn from the best. Davy talks to us in a language that we understand as entrepreneurs and he makes it so simple, he knows what he’s talking about!"
- Jonathan Sprinkles, Entrepreneur & Professional Speaker

"Very valuable information, excellent, everyone can benefit from this!"
- Kellogg's

"Just come to Davy, he’ll give you great information, things that will make a huge difference in your life and in your business to allow you to eventually become free!"
- Dr. David Phelps, Entrepreneur

"Great information, well-presented!"
- FedEx

"Came back more enthusiastic and pumped up to do the right things!"
- Microsoft

"Makes you get out of your daily routine and look for ways to work effectively!"
- Goodyear

"Today I feel so much more confident and happy that I’m walking out of this room with easy to implement strategies, really specific tools, techniques, the best practices on how to run your business with the least amount of time and effort!"
- Julie Laipply, Miss Virginia USA 2002, Professional Speaker and Pentagon Consultant

"I learned to involve the sales team from day one as this will help to increase productivity and profits!”
- Manpower

"Great, a lot of takeaways that can easily be implemented and used!"
- The Walt Disney Company
Four International Business Experts Also Agree

Davy has been in the background helping us find additional income and money. He is amongst one of the highest integrity human beings I've ever met or worked with. He's got this uncanny knack of being able to look inside any business and find money that's left behind and he's also really good at figuring out tactically and strategically how to make that happen!
Mike Koenigs
CEO & Creator, You Everywhere Now

There are a lot of businesses out there that could benefit from Davy’s strategies and techniques! Davy comes from a spiritual place, there is a bottom line to him that is not just about money.
Forbes Riley
$2 Billion TV Host
of HSN and QVC

As a Shark, Davy speaks my language: PROFIT, PROFIT, PROFIT! Davy finds the little things that are leaking big profits out of your business and he puts his money where his mouth is.
Kevin Harrington
Original Shark on ABC's
Hit TV Show 'Shark Tank'

Davy shows you how-to lead, succeed and build great relationships. You'll increase profitability faster than ever before!
Brian Tracy
New York Times Best Selling
Author & Success Expert